Burg Castellar – Los Alcornocales

Gut erhaltene Burg über den Stausee Guadarranque ca. 20 Minuten von Castellar de la Frontera entfernt.

Selbst getestet 2018
Schöner Ausblick auf die umliegenden Täler und den Stausee
Beste Reisezeit: September bis Juni

Burg über dem Stausee Guadarranque

Castillo de Castellar

The Castillo de Castellar rises on a mountain with soaring slopes in the middle of the “Los Alcornocales” National Park.

The rivers “Guadarranque” and “Hozgarganta” flow through the surrounding plains. Very close to the Castillo de Castellar, the Guadarranque forms an approximately 4 km long reservoir.

The layout of the facility is uneven and impresses with high walls, loopholes and towers.

Walking through the castle’s large grounds is like walking through a village from another era. There are restaurants directly in the complex, some with a wonderful view over the walls to the wide lowlands. Part of the fortress complex was expanded into a hotel and holiday apartments.

In 1963 the complex was declared a monument of historical art.


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